About FRNA

FRNA Officers Election 
The officers of FRNA are typically elected annually at our fall members meeting.  While we are not sure what this process will currently be executed due to the pandemic, we have to start thinking about who you want to helm your non-profit and completely volunteer neighborhood association.
All of your current officers have served at least 5 years.  While we do so gladly, it might be beneficial to the neighborhood to introduce new thoughts, perspectives, energy, and involvement. We especially desire broaden neighborhood representation (all officers presently  live within 2 blocks of each other.)
If you, or someone you know, would be interested in giving a little of your time  to become a Board member/Officer, please do not hesitate to nominate candidates for any of the Officers—listed elsewhere in this newsletter. Nominations should be made to our acting Secretary, Beckie Johnson @ (956) 793-7482.